3D Learning System

At the moment only for medical anatomy – but this may change … ๐Ÿ™‚ Do not turn people into objects but – let them discover your own overflow (interconnection of many brain cells / centers = coherence) in learning – without a pure speech from parents / teachers – develop your own ways of thinking and finding solutions …

Note Huether’s calm tone – had my anatomist MR Dr. Fehrmann too … ๐Ÿ™‚ = loving and balanced.

  • from 26:50 you can even improve with the russian Nikitin family who had many gifted children and where children had a buffet available – so children decide their meal times and no 12-1am rule …. ๐Ÿ™‚ you learn never out …
  • According to Prof. Dr. Dr. med Hรผther = so the brain does not develop genetically … – that will probably be the reason why – so few results gene therapy produces = no new organs – apart from a skin in a Petri dish – which in turn only comes from skin cells . In this context I am missing the Arnold Schwarzenegger mouse … many studies write about great successes but the test animals / organs were not shown macroscopically.

What is Corona doing to our children … Learning makes you balanced and has a preventive effect against aggression.

With a membership, a learning system can be technically expanded. As well as free education for people. To get this out of some vicious circles yourself.