Yoga vs Tai Qi Quan

Music & Art & Sports & Science know no boundaries / religions / races / genders (only physical laws and their spirituality apply to the perception of nature = life = movement)

Sport is the expansion of the body’s resources / abilities – for example with painful muscle soreness. Exchange with …

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Yoga is about 200 years old and was mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita
It was probably developed in order to penetrate other realities and to get health improvement through various starting positions.

TCC Tai = health; Respiratory Centre = Chi - solar power centre; = plexus (solar plexus) Chüan = fist age: unknown probably 4200 years old? It has been developed from a martial arts training and health training to sharpen the current surrounding reality and meaning.

Active / passive initial positions / strain in the majority passive at the end of the movement = no to little muscular protection

Stressful active movement flow into and out of several initial positions = stretching and strength training in one (predominantly in the regular range of motion) = muscular securing of joints / discs

Spatial perception possible, with particularly powerful static exercise

increased spatial perception through learning and applying the movement in the air (the more a ROTATION - movement, the more a sensory activity in the muscles / joints / cerebellar activity)

Danger of too much self-awareness within the remaining starting position

Less an exaggerated listening possible, since one must concentrate on movement and the surrounding space (nature!)

Continuous expansion of the maximum load / primarily static torso torso load - as well as rapid blood pressure change due to head positionShirshasana

Uniform loading of all body regions - gentle blood pressure increase - by flowing movement

Danger of the wanted / unwanted abortion by the Nauli Yoga Kriya

Risk for beginners / patients of a brain myocardial infarction in cardial preloaded stress in various asanas such as Halasana


No known risks of internal organs

as Example the scorpio exercise – VaishikasanaRisk of spondylolisthesis (vertebral sliding); Load peaks in the knee joints - which can strengthen a meniscus anterior horn lesion

No known risks in the movement apparatus - Risk of the knee only if it is carried out too deeply (weight loss is far in front of the forefoot)

Maximum Exercises

Mobilization exercise - by stress peaks within a mostly single body part

No maximum force = risk minimizing

Force endurance in an isometric (holding)
starting position

Force endurance within an isokinetic (steady force) movement

Concentrated (mentally enhanced) relaxation needed within a disastrous starting position

ETension by learning unconscious movement and breathing = cognitive relaxation during a complex movement of all 3d - dimensional motion axes, - and planes, which is working on predominantly rotational movement. (Rotation = NM in the joint!); In addition cardiac relief - by increased venous return current from the active muscle pump (uniform contraction of all extremities)

Less coherence because no flow of movement (static posture) occurs in all movement planes = less afferent in the cerebellum

Coherence - more a meshing of brain loops = higher movement - coordination

Hot Yoga (sauna) = energy = heat - dangerous for cardiac patients because of additional stress

Genesis of hyperthermia (corporeal heat) by movement = also possible in the snow = exhausting

Active rotatory components are missing, as well as transitions from
One starting position in another

Replaces acupuncture =? (Function: Accupoint needle is used in
Glued connective tissue fascia = set) since TCC high rotatic
Stress in all body regions are thus achieved
Bonded connective tissue. Probably replaced
It also osteopathy!

TCC = Mobilisation with Movement

Easy to learn - short exercise time

High degree of learning - as many complex techniques of changing
Foot positions up to headings at the same time
Respiratory awareness / control.

Only at about 40-20% of all
Total Exercise Incontinence training (contraction of the small pelvis):



Incontinence training therapy + prevention - in 99% of all starting positions by deep sitting posture of the small pelvis = meridian energy increase

YOGA is more physiotherapy and not a sport with a certain healing factor - due to stress peaks in joints & organs - which can be used by therapists specifically ... it can also replace acupuncture quite well ... but more on that later ... besides, it can do a lot of damage arrange - how to reinforce existing diseases - Herniated discs & arthroses in joints are known

Due to the high level of learning and effort, TCC outweighs - it is harder to learn - only a few have the willpower & perseverance to learn this - at the same time it serves as self-defense - since patients are often in victim roles TCC offers a neutral role exchange = transcending victims defender and strengthens your body


There are also overlaps between yoga and TQQ – for example: the Asana Daeoasana, which is also implemented in Qigong (Tai Qi Quan).

Relaxation is when you can interact with an smiling to children and / or aggressive people and maybe transfer something to these positive things.


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